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Understanding the Basics of Florida Workers’ Compensation Laws

Florida law requires most employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance coverage in case a worker gets injured or becomes ill while on the job. Workers’ compensation benefits help injured workers and their families by providing payments for medical bills, money to replace lost wages, and other related expenses.

A worker that is injured or becomes ill while at work in Florida should report the incident to their employer as soon as possible, but always within thirty days of the accident. The employer is then required to pass on the information to the workers’ compensation insurance company. If the employer refuses, the injured worker may notify the insurer themselves.

Florida workers’ compensation benefits typically total two-thirds of the injured worker’s average weekly wage. However, since the calculation may depend on the worker’s schedule or other factors, it helps to have an experienced Miami workers’ compensation attorney review the case and make the calculation to ensure correct compensation is obtained.

Workers’ compensation benefits are paid bi-weekly. They do not usually cover the first seven days a worker is disabled, unless the worker ends up being disabled for more than 21 days. In these cases, the insurer may pay for the first seven days as well. Payments for total or partial disability may last up to 104 weeks.

If you have been injured while on the job, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. An experienced Miami workers’ compensation lawyer can help you seek the full amount of benefits to which you are legally entitled. Attorney Ruth E. Johnson will carefully examine your workers’ compensation case and apply her experience and legal knowledge to help you fight for the benefits you deserve. To learn more, call The Law Offices of Ruth E. Johnson today at 305-720-2086 to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

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