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Car accident still the leading cause of death for teens

As a Miami car accident lawyer it saddens me that motor vehicle accidents are still the leading cause of death for individuals between the ages of 15-24. The risk is even higher for those between the ages of 16-19.

According to the Center for Disease Control, there are a number of factors responsible for the increased death rate among teenagers and young adults. Speeding, low seat belt use, inability to recognize hazardous situations, alcohol use and risky driving behavior are some of the recognized factors that increase the risk of death among this age group.

The other obvious factor is use of cell phone and the resulting distracted driving that occurs. Use of cellular telephones among those aged 15-24 is high. What is particularly high is the use of these devices for text messaging and email. This is the most dangerous use of the phone while driving. Clearly, when added to the factors mentioned above, cell phone use only increases the risk of death among young drivers.

Parents and law makers alike need to proactively address this issue and protect these drivers by educating them of risk factors and setting boundaries regarding dangerous behavior while driving. It is clear that new initiatives will be created to assist in the effort to reduce teen deaths due to auto accidents.

If you have been injured in an auto accident , contact the Law Office of Ruth E. Johnson at:

Law Office of Ruth E. Johnson
8925 SW 148th Street # 200 Miami, FL 33176
(305) 720-2086
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